Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Adding Your Site To Google (Manually)

One of the most important things that you will want is for your site to appear in the search engines! Most of the major search engines have links on their sites to where you can add your own site manually. *However I should warn you that these sites themselves say that it will take them some time to get to your site! The process may take a few months and sometimes even longer!

I have added a new link on the side of this blog that should take you right to Google's own search engine site where you can add your own website or blog manually. Here is the link again:

Add Your Site To Google's Search Engine

The more faster way of getting your site to appear in the search engines is for you to decide what search terms you want to be associated with your site and then check to see where your site ranks using those search terms. If you're not happy at where your site ranks in the search engines and you want your site to appear higher in the search engine rankings then you are going to have to work more harder at incorporating those search terms within the content of your site.

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Sunday, November 4, 2007

How Do People Get To Your Site?

My basic rule of advice regarding optimizing one's site for the search engines is to decide what keywords you want associated with your site, see how your site ranks when these search terms are used and if you are not happy at the results at where your site ranks then you have to work on incorporating those search terms within the content of your site.

However this is not the end all be all as far as optimizing one's sites for the search engines. While there may be general search terms that you want your site to be associated with, your site will also come up when people are searching for information that is related to the content that is already on your site - even though it may not be any of the search terms that you have designated for your site.

Let me explain: I have another blog where I talk about free stuff that I have found on the internet. Some of it includes some very good software that you would otherwise have to pay a lot of money for. I mentioned about one of these programs on one of my blog posts and I can see from my traffic stats that I'm getting traffic from people that are looking for the program and that a link to my blog is showing up on page one of Google's search engine results when people are looking for a free version of this program that they can download.

So even though you may have certain search terms in mind that you want associated with your site so that you get a high search engine ranking, people can come to your site because of other information / contents that you have on your site as well.


Friday, November 2, 2007

Basically People Just Want To Know One Thing!

As you have probably noticed, there are not a lot of posts on this blog. The reason for that is that basically people just want to know one thing and that one thing is "How Can I Get My Site To Show Up On Page One Of The Search Engines?"

Well there are actually three ways that you can do this:

  • You can pay the search engine to place a link to your site at the top of their page

  • You can submit your site manually to the search engines. However I should warn you that these search engine sites themselves will tell you that it may take them a few months (sometimes even longer) to manually "get" to your site.

  • You can work on the content of your site so that it shows up in the search engines automatically when someone one is looking for information that is related to the content that is on your site.

    In order to do that you are first going to have to decide what keywords and search terms you want to have associated with your site. Then see where your site ranks on the search engines now using these kewords and search terms. If you don't like where your site is ranking then you will have to work on incorporating those search terms into the content of your site.

Let's take for example my Adsense Consultant Blog since it is the oldest. As of this moment a link to my blog is on page one of Google's search engine results for the term "adsense consultant". Currently it is the fourth link on page 1! Now since I am an Adsense Consultant this is exactly where I want a link to my blog to be - on page one of the search engines! I took a look at my entry/link on the search engine and I think that I know why it appears so high in the search engine rankings! I'm going to use this theory on my other sites and on my clients' sites as well - just to see if my theory is correct. However there are no exact rules as to how one can get their site a high ranking in the search engines. It has a lot to do with what your site is about and what keywords or search terms that you want associated with your site.

You should put some good tools in place - number 1 being a stats tracker - and add it to your site. There are a lot of free site tracking services on the internet and they mostly involve you just copying and pasting some coding to put on your site. I mentioned above that a link to my blog showed up on page one of Google's search engine results when people typed in "adsense consultant" but there are also some other good "gems" that have happened. Not only does a link to my blog show up on page 1 - THREE links to my sites show up on page one! Also too, I have had visitors come to my site from the search engines when they type in related or similar search terms. For example, I got a lot of traffic within the last few weeks on my Adsense Consultant Blog simply because the adsense payments seemed to have come in rather late for the month of October. I posted about it on my blog along with information relating to the problem and apparently a lot of people were searching for that kind of information and that is why I got so much traffic at the time. This has also happened with other adsense-related issues such as people clicking on their own ads and other adsense-related topics / searches.

So you see a lot of how one gets their sites ranked high in the search engines has a lot to do with what your site is about and what search terms you want associated with your site. There have been times when I have added new content to my site and it shows up in the search engines in less than 24 hours!

There is also the question of ranking higher than your competitors as far as the search engines go. That requires a lot of work - especially if you want your site linked to generic search terms like "flowers" or "plants" and not something more specific.

So if you want your site to rank high in the search engine rankings (and especially if you want it to appear on page one of the search engines) - then you have a lot of work to do!

When you are ready for results, just let me know!
